book presentation
Guide for Remote Audits / Responsible Audits ™ for quality managers and auditors published as paperback and e-book
March 25, 2021,
Munich: Remote Audits or Responsible Audits ™ will in future be an indispensable part of the world of auditing, as they provide an efficient and resource-saving method of auditing. With his book “Remote Audit – From Planning to Implementation”, Dr. Roland Scherb is now bringing a structured guide onto the market that serves as a working basis for auditors, quality managers and other decision-makers on the company side.
Paperback & eBook:
Remote audits are no longer a vision of the future. Special requirements for virtual remote audits have existed since 2010 and are constantly being adapted. Since the outbreak of the corona pandemic, the use of remote audits has increased steadily and many companies have therewith discovered valuable advantages and new perspectives. Remote audits can be a very good alternative to traditional on-site audits, but only if the preparation and implementation are appropriately qualified.
The author, Dr. Roland Scherb, today a management consultant from Munich, has been an auditor since 1994 and carried out the first “remote audit” back in 2005 with the help of a telephone spider. In 2017, he and his company, PeRoBa Unternehmensberatung GmbH, were one of the very first to develop a software that made it possible to carry out fully remote audits using data glasses. The constantly evolving software, iVision®, is now also on the market for all commercially available mobile devices and is very popular with customers.

“Remote Audits or Responsible Audits™ are becoming more and more important and, especially in the past year, have seen a huge leap due to contact and travel restrictions,” says author, Dr. Roland Scherb, “but I have noticed that many of those involved need clarification, how to prepare Remote Audits and how to use them correctly. Therefore, I have written a general guide to help carry out remote audits. “
As a long-standing, internationally active auditor, Dr, Roland Scherb documents the current state of affairs with his book. He goes into the necessary requirements in a compact form, discusses the advantages and disadvantages and gives the readers tips from his practical experience that can be implemented immediately.
About the book
In the book, readers will first find a detailed introduction to the subject with an overview of the various forms of remote audits as well as their opportunities and risks. The next chapter deals in more detail with the role of the auditor, as well as the general principles of remote audits and their competencies.
Followed by all steps of remote audits, which are examined in detail: from the prerequisites, the audit plan, the correct preparation and implementation to the follow-up. Afterwards the reader finds a detailed practical example and an interesting cost comparison between a classic on-site audit and a remote audit.
The book is available as paperback and e-Book in German and English from Amazon.
BVMW Online Event am 15.04.2021
Im Webinar zeigt Dr. Roland Scherb, langjähriger Auditor und Geschäftsführer der Firma PeRoBa Unternehmensberatung GmbH, anhand eines praktischen Beispiels, welche Anforderungen Remote Audits stellen sowie welche Vorteile generiert werden können.
Dabei werden allerdings auch ganz klar die Grenzen der Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und die damit vorhandenen Risiken aufgezeigt. Nach einem interessanten Referat von 30 Minuten steht Ihnen Dr. Scherb weitere 15 Minuten für Ihre Fragen zur Verfügung.
Die BVMW-Online-Veranstaltung ist kostenlos und richtet sich an alle Interessierten.
PeRoBa Unternehmensberatung GmbH is one of the world’s leading pacesetters in the field of quality management, whose origins go back to 1991. The company has been based in Baldham since 2011 and has a representative office in Munich. PeRoBa Unternehmensberatung advises, tests and evaluates high quality in order to support customers in the implementation of their management systems. They also offers audits, QM trainings, seminars and workshops.
The in-house, innovative software iVision® – Smart Remote Audit Solution has been on the market since January 2016 and was replaced by an improved version in December 2020. The founder and owner Dr. Roland Scherb is an auditor, consultant, trainer and author. He works closely with universities and research institutions and teaches as a lecturer and is also a speaker at the TÜV-Süd Academy.

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