For whom is obtaining an ISO certification actually worthwhile?
Nowadays, it’s part of basic entrepreneurial knowledge to be well aware that an ISO certification is advantageous or even indispensable in certain areas. However, the advantages of a certification won’t have the same effects on all departments and companies.
Therefore, it is definitely adequate looking in a differentiated manner at for whom getting an ISO certification and above all, correctly living active quality management will really pay off. Right here we want to anticipate our individual consultation somehow and point out and highlight more exactly some of the resulting advantages.
Would you like to obtain higher profits through an ISO certification?
Of course, profitability is a top priority when it comes down to entrepreneurial action. Solely through an increase in sales and profit it is possible to remain flexible, to expand and to keep the competition in check. Even though issues like environmental protection, social compatibility and societal responsibility become also pressing matters for companies today, financial growth will remain the utmost objective.
The introduction and certification of quality management systems will impact this entrepreneurial goal on different levels. Optimizing processes and procedures will almost inevitably lead to reduced costs and expenses and in doing so, it will increase operative results. Targeted and purposeful prevention of errors will lower rejects and returned goods on a massive scale within the production industry. In the service sector, it will decrease risks of legal confrontations. Quality management systems will also very frequently lead quite automatically to higher customer satisfaction and trust from clients as improved quality of wares or services will ultimately stem from such optimizations.
The question of to what extent savings or additional profits can be achieved in individual sectors will ultimately depend on the conditions existing so far but also very clearly on the respective specific industries. ISO certifications won’t just make it possible to create preconditions for new sales markets but also to save a whole lot of money in a targeted and purposeful manner when it comes down to technical sectors, like, for example, mechanical engineering. As regards the service sector, optimized processes will make it possible to use resources like staff and working equipment in a much more efficient manner, which will, thus leads to higher profits.
It is worth noting that the 9001 standard doesn’t encompass any specifications on the issues of costs and finances, which actually makes sense. In connection with the 9004 standard, the guideline for sustainable entrepreneurial success, costs are included.
Are you looking for better chances on the market and more of a competitive edge?
In some branches, certifications have become absolutely indispensable in the meantime. That may be due to legal provisions, like in case of nursing and caring for sick people but it may also result directly from the industry itself, like in car manufacturing. Without the respective certifications, nothing is possible anymore in the automotive branch, which holds true for both the national and the international level. Actually quite the opposite!
Clients and suppliers expect continual improvements and further developments of the company’s quality systems as a matter of course. Those who want to establish long-term business relationships in the technical industry also need to face up to the competition in the quality management department anew every day.
But it also holds true that the service sector has caught up to a great extent with regard to an understanding of the necessity of certifications and further training. More and more companies decide to introduce QM systems and to have them certified even if there are no corresponding legal requirements for the respective industry yet. The advantages are not just about increased trust from clients but also clearly about marketing respects with regard to maintaining and expanding the company’s customer base.
Are you seeking a better company image as well as risk reduction?
Certifications according to well-known standards constitute an excellent means for marketing and advertising not just in the B2B department. Likewise, they have been so since long with respect to end consumers. Having quality features tested in an independent manner reinforces consumer trust in the company’s products and services. It is also tantamount to an important criterion for decisions when it comes down to committing to a certain product or performance. Active quality management in the customer service department is one of the most important factors for creating a good company image today. Opinions of dissatisfied clients spread on the net in no time at all and it is hard getting them under control again.
<ü>Accordingly, actively managing client satisfaction is a top priority nowadays.
The risk of legal confrontations can likewise be decreased by optimizing processes properly and above all, by thinking through right in advance how to react with regard to any imaginable situation. Generalized reproaches like “gross negligence” can be more easily dealt with by having certifications in place should matters turn legal.
A current example for that is the current discussion on the General Data Protection Regulation and the first “major” wave of cease and desist letters website operators need to cope with at present. A data protection and privacy audit can lower the risk of receiving cease and desist letters.
Would you like to make sure that any possible shortcomings and error chains get reduced?
It’s rare for a company to be as flexible as it would be desirable according to textbooks. Actually, it’s difficult changing structures and processes that have been ongoing for years even though arguments for such modifications are sound and logical and frequently, one can’t even tell anymore why things are done the way they are done. So, errors and error chains are likewise all too often sidestepped through stopgap solutions one easily gets accustomed to. Thus, the original problem will shift out of focus completely.
An outstanding certification has the advantage of subjecting all the existing processes automatically to a new “need for justification”. Accordingly, structural shortcomings and process-related errors will come to light again and can be actively addressed and dealt with. Adequate consulting and training can then also help to do away with resistance from within the company and to increase acceptance of innovations.
Do you want to make sure of higher productivity and performers?
Of course, optimization and customer orientation are important but coworkers may not be forgotten either. Clear regulations, specifications and guidelines for processes can actually help to increase the acceptance of new approaches considerably and accordingly, also promote productivity if they are really closely oriented toward practical daily working life. Coworkers who get actively involved in quality management will lay the cornerstone of autonomous further development and improvement in the long term as well. Frequently, more creativity, more personal initiative and thus, also more willingness to perform will result from that.
Likewise, certifications will facilitate and speed up the orientation of new coworkers as they will help them find patterns and processes to get accustomed to.
Accordingly, reduced onboarding times will automatically lead to higher and faster productivity.
PeRoBA® consultations will help you to obtain your ISO certification successfully and to always have an advantage
PeRoBa® Qualitätsmanagement (Quality Management) GmbH (LLC) in Munich will support you all the way in obtaining your ISO certification successfully. We will be happy to help you with the analysis and implementation of a suitable quality management system and with training and onboarding your coworkers or your suppliers irrespectively of whether you strive for a first certification, a new certification or a conversion of existing certificates.
We analyze and optimize processes, organizations and organizational units as well as your existing infrastructure. Likewise, we perform internal audits and help you with planning and obtaining future certifications. With PeRoBa consultations, you have a great advantage when it comes down to getting ISO certifications! Avoid disadvantages of ISO certification with professional consulting.

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