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QM Consultancy

QM Consultancy

A holistic approach is the best way to maximize the impact of a quality management system. Only a holistic understanding of quality ensures the future quality ability of a company. In order to have succeed with this approach you have to think about Total Quality Management (TQM).

In this context, it is important to introduce and evaluate relevant and good indicators (KPI). One possible solution can be the Balanced Scorecard, especially in relation with the success factors of the EFQM Model.

The E.F.Q.M. Model differs in enablers and results processes and you have to keep in mind that the oranisation will be continuously changed. Through best practice and implementation of innovations emerge changing requirements on the processes and statements “we have always done it” has to be questioned.  

Contact us if, for instance, you would like your customer processes to be reviewed!

QM Beratung

Increase Efficiency – by minimizing conflicts

Complex tasks in connection with scarce resources require efficiently designed business processes. We will systematically, methodically and pragmatically guide you to finding the optimum solution for you. In doing so, it is our responsibility to advise you comprehensively and based on your organization and operational processes and to identify the corresponding problem areas and minimize the potential for conflict. In the event of conflicts, we will support you with coordinated coaching measures. Our coaches are trained systemic coaches. Sectors: Automotive, Pharma, Logistics, Quality Management and Artificial Intelligence AIQuality control, Digitalisation consilting,…

How may we help you?

If you have any questions dont hesitate contacting us!
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